Headshot of Natalie Alderson smiling and wearing a white T-shirt

I decided I wanted to become a therapist when I was 12 years old.

It was one of the few places I felt safe, and I wanted to create that for other people as well. Alongside being a therapist, I am passionate about spirituality, connecting with nature, and being in consistent practice of my own healing journey.

I truly believe that my life experiences and personal healing journey make me a better therapist.

I do this work because I have done this healing work for myself too. I know what it feels like to be committed to healing after a lot of pain. While my education and training is important, the unique way that I use that education and training is what sets me apart, and that is because of my humanness.

A dog laying on a couch with therapy notes, a marker, and fluffy pillows
A brown leather couch in a therapist office with a snake plant and other decor

My Story

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Applied Psychology, and a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Santa Barbara.

My career has been largely in community mental health and addiction recovery, with my past work experiences in the Community Counseling and Education Center, the Psychiatric and Detox unit at Cottage Hospital, and holding the positions of Family Therapist and Program Director at an Intensive Outpatient Program specializing in a spiritual, non-12 step approach to addiction and mental health treatment.

In February of 2021, I began my path in private practice to balance my life passions with my work passions, while finishing my hours for my license.

I have absolutely adored working with my clients in private practice.

In January of 2024, I passed my licensing exam and became a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist after a decade of working towards this goal. From there I opened the practice you are looking at today - Connected Psychotherapy!

I also have a separate business where I practice spiritual coaching and guidance through a somatic and nature-based lens called Whole Witch Wellness.

Natalie Alderson holding a small dog while smiling and wearing a mustard colored sweater

Outside of my work-life, I am a partner to my incredible wife and a mother to my daughter and 2 fur babies.

I adore being in nature, reading lots of books, drinking coffee, eating delicious food, traveling, and finding ways to improve my own well-being through breathwork, yoga, and spiritual growth and development.

Thank you for being here and exploring my work!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you have.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!