Individual Somatic Psychotherapy for Adults

With the somatic approach, we are going beyond talking and bringing your felt sensations into the room and discovering the opportunities there for healing.

$250 per 50 minute session

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You’re in the right place if

Woman sitting on the floor in front of a couch reading a book




You are noticing patterns of codependency in your life, such as people pleasing, looking to others to help you make decisions, lacking boundaries, or sacrificing your peace for others.

You are ready to build enough self-trust to get your sense of autonomy back.

You are healing from trauma and noticing symptoms like anxiety, hyper-awareness, irritability, inability to relax, stress management issues, numbness, and disconnection from yourself and others.

It’s time for you to heal and find that sense of safety and peace within yourself.

How you feel in your mind, body, and spirit are going to have a major impact on how you behave and show up to your life.

When you are healing from trauma or working to break patterns of codependency, it can be confusing to know which feelings need to be processed, and which ones just need to move through your body.

man sitting on a couch having a somatic therapy session

It’s time to start feeling safe in your body.

The somatic approach is crucially important for your process, and the first aspect we work on is establishing safety in your body. This means feeling comfortable in your own skin and understanding your emotions and the medicine they have to offer your healing journey.

Your body creates and holds memory through your sensations and 5 senses (taste, touch, sight, smell, sound). This means we can use your sensations and 5 senses to heal the memories that feel painful or stuck.

Over the last 7 years I have developed my skills in helping you identify the emotions arising for you, and connecting them to the sensations in your body. During the session we may use simple movements or breathing techniques to help you regulate your nervous system as you process what feels difficult. For more in depth trauma work, we will use somatic experiencing to help your mind and body heal.

woman sitting on a gray couch wearing a green dress

Insurance & Sliding Scale Pricing

I am an out-of-network provider. This means you have to pay out of pocket for your sessions, and you can receive a super bill (provided monthly) to submit to your insurance for reimbursement of services.

You need to check with your provider to see what your out-of-network benefits are

I have limited sliding scale spaces for $100-$150 per 50-minute session. Please inquire directly to see if any spots are available. 

Start Your Somatic Therapy Journey Today!

These are just some examples of how I use somatics for your healing, and if you’d like to learn more, let’s get you booked for a free 20-minute phone consultation!